Technical Workshop "Pipeline Repair methods. Safely managing the lifecycle of Pipelines"
Date: APRIL 17, 2014 About the event: This workshop is designed as an ancillary benefits, where to the conference participants will be featured a variety of technologies of repair pipelines, as well as the leader experience in this difficult area. Experts will explain the theoretical basis of different ways to repair pipelines, also it will be considered the pros and cons of each method. This knowledge will assist the participants in understanding the selection, application and methods of using this technologies in critical situations encountered during repairing pipeline systems. Main Topics: - Selective or complete replacement of pipes - Isolation and repair the insulation coating: reinsulation pipelines in field conditions - Welding of coupling and patches, modern typology of coupling - Organizational and technical preparation of certain types of repair work - Selecting the right direction and methods of repairing pipeline - How to embed the coil without resorting - Modern methods of bandaging - Features of the construction of pipelines in the Far North Call for papers:
We invite you and your colleagues to contribute and share your knowledge and experience, new ideas, technologies, case studies and projects with your peers from around the world.