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Media Partners

DATE: October 17, 2014
VENUE:  Moscow

 Unique Audience: due to established reputation of key events in the industry, the forum gathers representatives of Russian and international companies - operators, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, representatives of investment, legal, insurance and consulting organizations


Maximum Interactive Communications: discussions, roundtables, master classes and other interactive sessions, along with numerous opportunities for informal communications with representatives of key Russian and international industry payers


 RPI Connect: special system, which allows to interact with the event participants prior to the event


«OFS Awards»: annual awarding ceremony will be held to applaud its leaders

 2013 attendees include:

Senior Manager, Service activities division in oil production, LUKOIL * Project Manager, Salym Petroleum Development N.V. * Engineer, Belorusneft * General Director, Orenburgneft * General Director, Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika * Deputy Commercial Director, Integra Management * Marketing Specialist, Eurasia Driling Company * Project Director, Siberian Service Company * Head of Marketing and Drilling Sector, Ñ.A.T.oil AG * Vice-President, RU-Energy Group * Department Director, Weatherford * Vice President, Drilling and Evaluation, Baker Hughes * Technical Chief, Trican Well Service LLC * Delegation, Geotech Holding * Deputy General Manager, RN-Service * Executive Vice-President, NewTech Services * Investments Division, Gazprombank * Head of Oil and Gas Department, NOMOS-Bank * Analyst, Capital' * Analyst, Otkritiye * Managing Director of Special Projects Division, VTB Leasing * Delegation, TNK-BP Management* General Director, TNK-BP Orenburg * Director of Moscow Branch, SibTradeService * General Director, Yugson-Service * General Director, Ingeooil * Project Manager, Ward Howell * Deputy Managing Director, Sibneftemash * Commercial Director, RMNTK-Thermal Systems * First Deputy General Director, UNPR & KRS * General Director, NGK-Technology * Deputy General Director, Trade House "TMK" * Chief Engineer, Service Transport Company *Executive Director, TMK-Neftegazservice * Vice-President, Drilling Technologies, EDC Group * Chairman of the Board, SGE * General Director, Investment Company "Lokomotiv" * General Director, NPF "SOYUZ" * Head of Sales Department, Spetstekhnika * General Director, Energomotor * Head of Marketing and Sales Department, PromTechInvest * Director, NPF Paker * Director, Linke Engineering i.V. Jumag Dampferzeuger GmbH * Deputy Commercial Director, BURINTECH * General Director, ANCOR Energy Services *Sales Director, TIETO * Representative, TMS Group * Head of Department, Marketing and Technical Support, Yokogawa Electric * Partner, Baring Vostok Capital Partners * General Director, VNIIneft * Chairman, West-Siberian Society of Petroleum Engineers * Head, Center of Energy Security Problems, Institute for the USA and Canadian Studies * Head of Analytical Division, National Energy Security Fund * General Director, TATCO * Director, Neftegaskadry * Executive Director, Penny Lane Personnel * Business Development Manager, Hays * Representative, Noerr * Partner, Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners * Project Management Division, GPB Rusurs * Director, RIFING * General Director, NPO-Polycell * Deputy Director, O&G Insurance, SOGAZ * Deputy Director of O&G Division, Bank «Saint-Petersburg» * Director, Moscow Branch, National O&G Institute * Director of Moscow Branch, Orelkompressormash * Marketing Specialist, Aggreko Eurasia * Head of the Department, ERIELL *General Director, RINAKO * Key Account Specialist, 3Ì Russia * Senior Specialist, FAS of Russia * Senior Trade and Investment Adviser, Oil & Gas UK Trade & Investment, British Embassy Russia * Chairman, State Duma Committee on Energy * and others



RPI company is organizer of 12th International Forum “Services and Equipment for the Russian Oil and Gas Industry” - is the central event of the Russian oilfield services market, held annually since 2003. The Forum is the first choice for the oilfield services market professionals as the place to network, do business and discover new strategies and innovations for the industry.

The forum has become a meeting point for a constructive dialogue between oil and gas companies, leading oilfield service companies, as well as oil and gas equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

In 2012 the event will be held in format of a roundtable discussion, which lets each delegate:

• to become a direct participant of the discussion which will focus on the most relevant topics facing the industry today;

• to get clear answers to urgent questions about issues, trends and prospects of development of the oilfield services and equipment market at the present stage of development;

• to develop a strategy for work in 2014 together with top managers of leading companies in the industry.


Call for Paper

If you are interested in the subject of our Forum;

If you are the expert in OFS market;

If you have a question you would like to discuss with experts of the industry

We offer you to make a speech at the event.

You will be able to actively participate in discussions on relevant and interesting for your organization topics.

To find out more about speaking opportunities please contact Elena Konstantinova:


Tel: +7 495 502 54 33/ 778 93 32


Sponsorship support to Forum “Services and Equipment for the Russian Oil and Gas Industry” is an investment in the development of your business!
If you would like to:



 Increase the number of contacts with potential customers

 Launch new products and services

 Get access to new markets

 Strengthen the successful image of your company or brand

 Boost your company on the market

For more information on how to become a sponsor of the Conference, please contact Anna Lisak:





Awards Sponsors