General Media Partner

Official Media Partner

Strategic Media Partner

Media Partners

Networking Opportunities


This unique system, which has no analogs on the Russian market, enables you to contact Forum attendees before the event.

You can view each attendee's profile. The system capabilities enable you to set up initial meetings with the right partners directly during the days of the Forum. Moreover, you can send e-mails to attendees directly even without having their addresses.

Our system is not only for scheduling appointments; here you can download important Forum participant's documents, review speakers' presentations after the event.

Interactive Discussions

We offer you interactive discussions on the most relevant issues of the Russian oilfield services market. We will provide you with the unique opportunity to learn the opinion of the most authoritative market experts on various issues. You can ask the questions you want answers to! This is the best opportunity to talk to real players of the market!


Business Lunch

In today's society, serious business matters are often discussed in a fairly informal atmosphere of a business lunch. We can say this has become a tradition and integral part of a successful business person's life. 1 business lunch = 1 business meeting. We decided to tweak the tradition and expand the opportunities…
How about this: 1 business lunch = 10 business meetings?!
We put together people with common interests at one table so they can make important business contacts, establish new relationships, discuss potential transactions or simply share news with their business partners in an informal and relaxed environment…

Informal Socializing

Relax…meet… network….and do business…
Continue networking during coffee breaks and cocktail receptions…
Relax and make new contacts in informal surroundings.



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