For the companies considering industry conferences and forums as an effective platform for business communications, products and services promotion among its target audience and business development we are pleased to offer our special sponsorship opportunities within the Forum.
We offer the following sponsorship opportunities:

- Your company's logo placed on all the Forum's advertizing materials
- Your company's logo placed on Forum mailing materials
- Your company's news put into the Forum's mailing materials
- Your company's logo placed on all the Forum's materials
- Forum's booklets mailed to the potential event participants
- Your company's materials placed at the Forum's participant's folders
- Your company's banner placed at the Forum's website
- Your company's representative (representatives) registered as the Forum delegate (delegates)
- Exclusive placement of your company's logo on the Forum's materials folder
- An opportunity to make a presentation at a relevant Forum's panel session
- Exclusive assigment of your company as a session's sponsor
- An opportunity to act as a pannel session moderator
- Exclusive opportunity to make a welcome address during a cocktail reception
- Exclusive assigment as the Forum's consultant and placement of your business description in the Forum program
- 1 ad module published in the Forum materials
- Space for your company booth in the Forum hall lobby
- An opportunity to distribute your ad and promo materials during the Forum
- 1 interview with your company's top manager (or 1 ad module) published in a partner edition
- Your company's banner placed over the Forum's presidium
- An opportunity to make a welcome address to the Forum participants before the Forum's opening
We offer you a unique opportunity that can really help your company to accomplish the tasks and reach its the targets in the most effective way. Working together with RPI you may develop a sponsorship package so that it would only include the most efficient - in terms of price-quality ratio - services.
Depending on your objectives and preferences RPI team is ready to work out a customized format of your participation in the Forum in order to produce the maximum benefit for your business.
For more information, please contact Anna Lisak:
+7 (495) 502 54 33 Lisak@rpi-inc.ru